Tip for Trade union and labor economics modeling

Dear all,
I am a MSc student in Economics and I am currently working on my thesis. The main objective of the thesis is to indagate and test empirically whether changes in trade union density within economies leads to changes in inflation levels.
As first chapter I would like to conduct an analytical/numerical analysis using a macroeconomic model (…or maybe a agent’s models) to show what literature argue would happen with different levels of unions bargaining power (i.e. consider the classic model macro model where there is a change of the supply model which leads to higher unemployment).

I have been trough many models showed in the Lectures however I still searching for tips.

If you have any suggestion about the topic and which model to modifiy for this purpose I’d be glad to hear them from you.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Gianluca , it sounds like an interesting project but I’m not really sure of the literature.

Perhaps you could write again when you have a specific question about how to solve your model. Good luck with your research.

Thanks for the reply,

First I wanted to use a replication of the linear labor market model with linear equations. However, I have recently studied a bit of markov chains and I would like to ask you whether considering the model in QE lectures - A lake model of unemployment if it would make sense to modify it and adding another possible state in addition to Unemployed / Employed which is Employed under trade union?
Would it make sense to work then in 3x3 matrices?

Yes @Gianluca , that would make sense.

I managed to modify the original version just adding new probabilities: φ, σ, γ, β and transforming the original matrices in 3x3 adding EUT as new variable.
However, I have a problem. I am not able to build the key matrice of the mode A_hat such that it has eigenvalues lower than 1, I think for the last part of the code we need a a diagonalizable matrix but I do not know how to do it. I try to modify the value of the various probabilities but it didn’t really changed. Am I doing something wrong? Is that the case I cannot obtain it?

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (11, 5)  #set default figure size
import numpy as np
from quantecon import MarkovChain
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from quantecon.distributions import BetaBinomial
from numba import jit

class NewLakeModel:
    We compute dynamics of unemployment, employment and employment 
    under trade union. 
    parameters are:
    λ : scalar
        The job finding rate for currently unemployed workers
    α : scalar
        The dismissal rate for currently employed workers
    b : scalar
        Entry rate into the labor force
    d : scalar
        Exit rate from the labor force
    φ : scalar
        job finding rate for currently unemployed workers toward a job with TU
    σ : scalar
        The dismissal rate for currently employed workers under TU
    γ : scalar
        Switch rate for employed workers under TU towards job without TU
    β : scalar
        Switch rate for employed workers to be employed under a TU
    def __init__(self, λ=0.224,α=0.013, b=0.0124, d=0.0082, φ=0.01,σ=0.02,γ=0.03, β=0.081):
        self.λ, self.α, self.b, self.d, self.φ, self.σ, self.γ, self.β = λ, α, b, d, φ, σ, γ, β
        λ, α, b, d, φ, σ, c, β = self.λ, self.α, self.b, self.d, self.φ, self.σ, self.γ, self.β
        self.g = b - d
        self.A = np.array([[(1-d)*(1-λ)*(1-φ) + b, (1-d)*(1-β)*α + b, (1-d)*σ*(1-γ) + b],
                           [(1-d)*(1-φ)*λ, (1-d)*(1-α)*(1-β), (1-d)*λ*(1-σ)],
                           [(1-d)*φ*(1-λ), (1-d)*β*(1-α), (1-d)*(1-σ)*(1-γ)]])
        self.A_hat = self.A / (1 + self.g) 
    def rate_steady_state(self, tol=1e-6):
        Finds the steady state of the system :math:`x_{t+1} = \hat A x_{t}`

        xbar : steady state vector of employment and unemployment rates
        x = np.full(3,1/3)
        error = tol + 1
        while error > tol:
            new_x = self.A_hat @ x
            error = np.max(np.abs(new_x - x))
            x = new_x
        return x
    def simulate_stock_path(self, X0, T):
        Simulates the sequence of Employment, Unemployment and Employment under TU stocks

        X0 : array
            Contains initial values (E0, U0, ETU0
        T : int
            Number of periods to simulate

        X : iterator
            Contains sequence of employment, unemployment and employment under trade union stocks
        X = np.atleast_1d(X0)  # Recast as array just in case
        for t in range(T):
            yield X
            X = self.A @ X
    def simulate_rate_path(self, x0, T):
        Simulates the sequence of employment and unemployment rates

        x0 : array
            Contains initial values (e0,u0)
        T : int
            Number of periods to simulate

        x : iterator
            Contains sequence of employment and unemployment rates

        x = np.atleast_1d(x0)  # Recast as array just in case
        for t in range(T):
            yield x
            x = self.A_hat @ x

nlm = NewLakeModel()
e, f, c = np.linalg.eigvals(nlm.A_hat)
abs(e), abs(f), abs(c)

nlm = NewLakeModel()
N_0 = 200
e_0 = 0.4
eut_0 = 0.25
u_0 = 0.35
T = 50

U_0 = u_0 * N_0
E_0 = e_0 * N_0
EUT_0 = eut_0 * N_0

fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(10, 8))
X_0 = (U_0, E_0, EUT_0)
X_path = np.vstack(tuple(nlm.simulate_stock_path(X_0, T)))

axes[0].plot(X_path[:, 0], lw=2)

axes[1].plot(X_path[:, 1], lw=2)

axes[2].plot(X_path[:, 2], lw=2)
axes[2].set_title('Employed under Trade Union')

axes[3].plot(X_path.sum(1), lw=2)
axes[3].set_title('Labor force')

for ax in axes:

nlm = NewLakeModel()
e_0 = 0.4
eut_0 = 0.25
u_0 = 0.35
T = 60         # Simulation length

xbar = nlm.rate_steady_state()

fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(10, 8))
x_0 = (u_0, e_0, eut_0)
x_path = np.vstack(tuple(nlm.simulate_rate_path(x_0, T)))

titles = ['Unemployment rate', 'Employment rate', 'Employment rate under Trade Union']

for i, title in enumerate(titles):
    axes[i].plot(x_path[:, i], lw=2, alpha=0.5)
    axes[i].hlines(xbar[i], 0, T, 'r', '--')
