Questions in Datascience Exercises


Ex 5.1, 5.2 in Numpy section
I am not sure about 5.1. I think 5.2 is just put those formulae in the loop to get pricing, but I am not really sure what 5.1 asks me to do. ( I am not familiar with this maturity thing and googled it doesn’t seem to answer this exercise 5.1)

Ex1 in linear algebra section
Not sure about the number 1,000,000 for a condition. Even without discount factor, i.e., the assets pay constant amount for the rest of duration without being discounted, the total money from selling is 150 x durationA x nA + 50 x durationB x nB = 150 x 6 x 100 + 50 x 4 x 50 = 100,000 which is way less than the condition.

Ex2 in linear algebra
y1 = np.array([1, 2, 3])
y3 = np.array([0.5, 0.5])

I think y3 should be y2.

Thanks very much!

Hi @cc7768,

These might be some other errors. I am not sure though.

I’m sorry to tag your name if these have been taken care of.

Thanks very much!

I am not quite sure which exercises that you are referring to. Links? Thanks.

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Thanks for looking. Here are links.

Ex 5.1, 5.2 in Numpy section

Ex1 in linear algebra section
Ex2 in linear algebra

Ex 5.1, 5.2 in Numpy section

5.1 is just to create an array [1,2,…10] with for loops or np.arange
5.2 is as what you said

Ex1 in linear algebra section

We should probably change that number to something lower, thanks.

Ex2 in linear algebra

Yes, thanks.

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