I have never used numba before and I search a solution to parallelise a python code on GPU without rewriting all of my code.
There are two classes made by myself and called surface and system. Rougly speaking, system is a list of surfaces.
The function to parallelise is called trace() and belongs to class system.
Each computation to paralellise use the tensorflow functions surface.sag_param and surface.champsVec defining the current surface.
It loops on system.posx and system.champsx and inside this two loops it does a serial computation over the surfaces (list of object of class surface).
This computation is quite generic and I would want to conserve this flexibility.
I wounder if it is possible to do this paralellisation without rewrite all the code inside my classes ?
I just tried to write @jit(npython=True,parallel=True) before the function trace() and replace range() by prange() (for numCHamp and numRay, but I get the error :
TypingError: Failed at nopython (nopython frontend).
Untyped global name system : cannot determine Numba type <class ‘libsystem.system’>
Indeed numba does not know this type.
By setting the parameter nopython to False, I get the error "TypeError : can only concatenate tuple (not “dict_values”) to tuple
Here is the shape of my code (the two classes with the function system.trace() to paralellise).
Thank you for your help.
class system :
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
self.numSurfaces = 3 # nombre de surfaces (Surface 0 : surface fictive où on défini les rayons incidents, Surface 2 : surface fictive où on regarde les rayons émergeants )
self.surfaces = ... #list of elements of class surface
self.champsx = ... #1D numpy array
self.champsz = ... #1D numpy array
self.posx = ... #3D numpy array
self.posy= ... #3D numpy array
self.numSurfaces = len(self.surfaces)
def trace(self):
# function to parallelize with respect to numChamp and numRay
#parallel computation possible
for numChamp in range(len(self.champsx)):
#parallel computation possible
for numRay in range(self.posx.shape[0]):
#computation of a point and a direction on each surface
surf = self.surfaces[0]
P = np.array([self.posx[numRay,numChamp,0],self.posy[numRay,numChamp,0],\
Q = np.array([np.sin(self.champsz[numChamp])*np.cos(self.champsx[numChamp]),\
#sequential computation
for numSurf in range(1,self.numSurfaces):
surfPrev = surf
surf = self.surfaces[numSurf]
P = surf.transferPoint(P,Q)
if numSurf<self.numSurfaces-1:
Q = surf.transferDirection(P,Q)
self.posx[numRay,numChamp,numSurf] = P[0]
self.posy[numRay,numChamp,numSurf] = P[1]
class surface:
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
self.params = ... # a dictionnary containing some parameters value
self.sag_param = ... #a tensor flow function depending on self.params and 2 other spatial variables
self.champsVec = ...# idem with self.sag_param
def bz(self,u,v,cx,conic,cy,conicy,coefsZernike):
def transferPoint(self,point,direction):
#a transfer function returning a point and using sag_param and params of self
def transferDirection(self,point,direction):
#a transfer function returning a direction and using champsVec of self