Below is the code I ended up writing:
Bellman Operator Function:
function [sigma, Tw] = stochgrowth1_bellman_operator(grid_y,... % Considered y-values (discretized).
w_0,... % Initial guess for associated value function.
alpha,... % Elasticity of capital.
betta,... % Discount rate.
mu,... % Mean of shock process.
S,... % Standard error of shock process.
shsize,... % Number of shock draws in Monte Carlo integral (optional).
tol,... % Optimizer tolerance (optional).
u,... % Utility function (optional).
f) % Production function (optional)
% Bellman operator function for stochastic growth model with one state
% variable.
% Check number of inputs
if nargin > 10
error('stochgrowth_bellman_operator:TooManyInputs', ...
'requires at most 4 optional inputs');
% Fill in unset optional values.
switch nargin
case 6
shsize = 250;
tol = 1e-6;
u = @(c) log(c);
f = @(k) k^alpha;
case 7
tol = 1e-6;
u = @(c) log(c);
f = @(k) k^alpha;
case 8
u = @(c) log(c);
f = @(k) k^alpha;
case 9
f = @(k) k^alpha;
% Set tolerance for optimizer.
optS = optimset('fminbnd');
optS.TolX = tol;
% Output of the Bellman operator for each k grid point.
sigma = NaN(size(w_0));
Tw = sigma;
% Shock process
shocks = exp(mu + S * randn(shsize,1));
% Interpolation object.
w_func = griddedInterpolant(grid_y, w_0, 'linear');
for i_y = 1:length(grid_y)
% Given level of income.
y = grid_y(i_y);
% Find acceptable range for c.
cMin = 1e-6;
cMax = y - cMin;
% Solve for extremal value of functional,
% i.e. V(y_t) = max( u(c) + betta*E[V(y_t+1)] ),
% given a particular level of income.
objective = @(c) -u(c) - betta * mean(w_func(f(y-c) * shocks));
[X, FVAL] = fminbnd(objective, cMin, cMax);
% Return values.
sigma(i_y) = X; % Policy function.
Tw(i_y) = -FVAL; % Value function.
end % End for-loop.
end % End bellman_operator function.
Main Script:
%% stochastic growth model
% In theory, the algorithm is as follows:
% 1. Begin with a function w() -- an initial condition
% 2. Solving the Bellman operator, obtain the function Tw()
% 3. Unless some stopping condition is satisfied, set w = Tw and return
% to step 2.
%% housekeeping
close all
clear all
%% parameters
alpha = 0.40; % Elasticity of capital.
betta = 0.96; % Discount rate.
mu = 0.00; % Mean of shock process.
S = 0.10; % Standard error of shock process.
niter = 35; % Number of iterations to find (converged) value function.
%% discretize space
grid_max = 4; % largest grid point
grid_size = 200; % number of grid points
grid_y = linspace(1e-5, grid_max, grid_size); % income level state-space under consideration
%% Test stochgrowth_bellman_operator() by replicating analytic solution numerically.
% Initial guess for V -- analytic solution.
c1 = log(1 - alpha*betta) / (1 - betta);
c2 = (mu + alpha * log(alpha*betta)) / (1 - alpha);
c3 = 1 / (1 - betta);
c4 = 1 / (1 - alpha * betta);
w_0 = v_star(grid_y,c1,c2,c3,c4);
% Find extremal of functional given state-space for income and other
% parameter values.
[sigma, Tw] = stochgrowth1_bellman_operator(grid_y,w_0,alpha,betta,mu,S);
% Plot results.
ax1 = subplot(2,2,1);
ylim([0 2.5])
title('Policy function')
grid on
ax3 = subplot(2,2,3);
plot(ax3, grid_y,Tw)
ylim([-40 10])
title('Value function')
grid on
%% solve for optimal value function and policy function, given naive starting value.
% Discretize state-space for income.
grid_max = 4; % largest grid point
grid_size = 200; % number of grid points
grid_y = linspace(1e-5, grid_max, grid_size); % income level state-space under consideration
% guess initial condition for V().
w_0 = 5 * log(grid_y);
% Create blank storage for policy function and value function
Sigma = NaN(grid_size,niter);
V = Sigma;
% Iterate Bellman operator, updating guess for value function
for iter = 1:niter
% Solve Bellman operator.
[X, FVAL] = stochgrowth1_bellman_operator(grid_y,w_0,alpha,betta,mu,S);
% Get values.
Sigma(:,iter) = X; % Policy function.
V(:,iter) = FVAL; % Value function.
% Update initial condition.
w_0 = FVAL;
% Graph properties.
% COLORS = linspecer(niter); % see:
% Plot graphs.
ax2 = subplot(2,2,2);
% set(ax2, 'ColorOrder', COLORS)
hold on
plot(ax2, grid_y,Sigma)
ylim([0 2.5])
title('Policy function')
grid on
ax4 = subplot(2,2,4);
% set(ax4, 'ColorOrder', COLORS)
hold on
ylim([-40 10])
title('Value function')
grid on