Getting an indented error, can someone help

Author: Nayha M

Hi there,

This is my code that I am setting up:

Implements iteration on the Bellman equations to solve the McCall growth model

import numpy as np

from numba import jit

A default utility function

def u(c, sigma):
    if c > 0:
        return (c**(1 - sigma) - 1) / (1 - sigma)
        return -10e6

class MyModel:

Stores the parameters and functions associated with a given model.

    def __init__(self,beta=0.997, # discount factor
                 deltaC=0.05, # job separation rate for construction workers
                  b=0.4, # uemployed benefits
                 c=1, # cost of posting a vacancy
                 N=1000, #grid points
                 gammaC=0.592, #match efficiency for construction
                 g=0.5, #matching function elasticity 
                 tauC=0.07, #sector demand shares
                 eta=2.00, #elasticity of substitution
                 wageC=2.956, #wages C              
                 VC=0.0182, #vacancy C 
                 UC=0.106, #Unemploymwnt C 
                 fc=0.2453, # job finding probability C
                 sigma = 1):
        self.beta = beta
         self.deltaC = deltaC 
         self.b = b
         self.c = c 
         self.gammaC = gammaC
         self.g = g
         self.tauC = tauC
         self.eta = eta
         self.wageC = wageC
         self.VC = VC    
         self.UC = UC    
         self.fc = fc   
         self.sigma = sigma 
def compute_derived_values(self):

 self.EmpC=fc/(fc+deltaC)  #steady state level of employment C
 self.Uc=deltaC/(fc+deltaC)  #steady state level of unemployment C
 self.EmpCgrid = linspace(0.9*self.EmpC,1.1*self.EmpC,1000).T #The grid, an N x 1 vector, is defined around the steady state.
 self.EmpCmatrix = repmat(self.EmpCgrid,1,1000)       # An, N x N, matrix with kgrid as columns, N times.
 self.EmpCmatrixprime = self.EmpCmatrix.T            #The same but transposed.

def _update_bellman(beta, deltaC, b, fc, wagesC, OmegaC, V, V_new, U, U_new):

for OmegaC_idx, OmegaC in enumerate(self.OmegaCgrid):
        # w_idx indexes the vector of possible wages

V_new[OmegaC_idx] = wageC + beta*((1 - deltaC)*(np.maximum(V[OmegaC_idx])) + deltaC*(np.maximum(U[OmegaC_idx]))) 
U_new[OmegaC_idx] = b + beta*(((fc)*np.maximum(V[OmegaC_idx])) + (1-fc)*(np.maximum(U[OmegaC_idx])))
return U_new

def solve_mymodel(mcm, tol=1e-5, max_iter=2000):

Iterates to convergence on the Bellman equations

mcm : an instance of McCallModel
tol : float
    error tolerance
max_iter : int
    the maximum number of iterations

V = np.ones(len(mcm.w_vec))  # Initial guess of V
V_new = np.empty_like(V)     # To store updates to V
U = 1                        # Initial guess of U
i = 0
error = tol + 1

while error > tol and i < max_iter:
    U_new = _update_bellman(mcm.beta, mcm.deltaC, mcm.b, 
            mcm.fc, mcm.wagesC, mcm.OmegaC, V, V_new, U)
    error_1 = np.max(np.abs(V_new - V))
    error_2 = np.abs(U_new - U)
    error = max(error_1, error_2)
    V[:] = V_new
    U = U_new
    i += 1

return V, U

But it is giving me this error:

  File "<ipython-input-4-5f43475caa45>", line 76
    for     OmegaC_idx, OmegaC in enumerate(self.OmegaCgrid):
IndentationError: expected an indented block

Could anyone help me figure out how to correct this error.


Hi Nayha,

It looks like you’ve forgotten to indent the code block for the function _update_bellman.

All the code that makes up a function definition should be indented. For example,

def print_foo():
    print("foo again")

The code block in this case is the two print statements.

Regards, John.

Author: Nayha M

Cheers thank you.
That problem is solved but now I have another problem:

                     self.tauC,self.eta, self.wageC, self.VC, self.UC, self.fc, self.sigma = tauC, eta, wageC, VC, UC, fc, sigma```

def compute_derived_values(self):
                        self.EmpC=fc/(fc+deltaC),  #steady state level of employment C
                        self.Uc=deltaC/(fc+deltaC),  #steady state level of unemployment C
                        self.EmpCgrid = np.linspace(0.9*self.EmpC,1.1*self.EmpC,1000).T, #The grid, an N x 1 vector, is defined around the steady state.
                        self.EmpCmatrix = repmat(self.EmpCgrid,1,1000),       # An, N x N, matrix with kgrid as columns, N times.
                        self.EmpCmatrixprime = self.EmpCmatrix.T,           #The same but transposed.
                        self.Ucgrid = np.linspace(0.9*Uc,1.1*Uc,1000).T, #The grid, an N x 1 vector, is defined around the steady state.
                        self.Ucmatrix = repmat(Ucgrid,1,1000),       # An, N x N, matrix with kgrid as columns, N times.
def update_bellman(beta, deltaC, b, fc, wagesC, OmegaC, V, V_new, U, U_new):

            for OmegaC_idx, OmegaC in enumerate(OmegaCgrid):

for OmegaC_idx, OmegaC in enumerate(OmegaCgrid):
                    # w_idx indexes the vector of possible wages

                V_new[OmegaC_idx] = wageC + beta*((1 - deltaC)*(np.maximum(V[OmegaC_idx])) + deltaC*(np.maximum(U[OmegaC_idx]))) 

            U_new[OmegaC_idx] = 0.4 + beta*(((fc)*np.maximum(V[OmegaC_idx])) + (1-fc)*(np.maximum(U[OmegaC_idx])))

            return U_new
def solve_mymodel(mm, tol=1e-5, max_iter=2000):
        Iterates to convergence on the Bellman equations 

        mm : an instance of MyModel
        tol : float
            error tolerance
        max_iter : int
            the maximum number of iterations

        V = np.ones(len(mm.OmegaCgrid))  # Initial guess of V
        V_new = np.empty_like(V)     # To store updates to V
        U = 1                        # Initial guess of U
        i = 0
        error = tol + 1

        while error > tol and i < max_iter:
            U_new = _update_bellman(mm.beta, mm.deltaC, mm.b, 
                    mm.fc, mm.wagesC, mm.OmegaCgrid, V, V_new, U)
            error_1 = np.max(np.abs(V_new - V))
            error_2 = np.abs(U_new - U)
            error = max(error_1, error_2)
            V[:] = V_new
            U = U_new
            i += 1
        return V, U

>Generate plots of value of employment and unemployment in the McCall model.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

mm = MyModel(OmegaCgrid)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot(mm.OmegaCgrid, V, 'b-', lw=2, deltaC=0.05, label='$V$')
ax.plot(mm.OmegaCgrid, [U] *len(mm.OmegaCgrid) , 'g-', lw=2, deltaC=0.05, label='$U$')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')

But it says

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-22-5c7451c725c0> in <module>()
    120 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
--> 122 mm = MyModel(OmegaCgrid)
    124 fig, ax = plt.subplots()

NameError: name 'MyModel' is not defined

I have run the codes in bits first and it works fine but when I try to plot my results, it gives me several errors like these.

Thank you.


Hi Nayha,

Have your read Part 1 of these lectures:

I guess it takes time but I think it will help you solve some of these simple problems.

Regards, John.