Efficient value function iteration in Julia


I was loosely adapting Fortran code into Julia, which solves the standard cake eating problem using spline interpolation and numerical maximization. Whereas the original (compiled) Fortran code finishes in second, the Julia code takes many minutes.

As such, it seems I am inadvertently introducing something very inefficient. The example is based on the textbook exercises in https://www.ce-fortran.com by Hans Fehr and Fabian Kindermann, specifically Chapter 8 Exercise 5. To be clear, there are differences in the numerical maximization step. However, the parameterization, size of grid, and convergence criterion should be identical.

I attach the Julia code below.

using PyPlot
using Plots
using BenchmarkTools
using LaTeXStrings
using Parameters, QuantEcon
using  Dierckx, ArgParse
using LinearAlgebra, Optim, Interpolations
using Printf
using StatsBase
using Optim: converged, maximum, maximizer, minimizer, iterations # some extra functions
#import Base.Threads.@threads
using ProfileView


@with_kw  struct Para
    # model parameters
    γ::Float64 = 0.5
    egam::Float64 = 1-1/γ
    β::Float64 = 0.95
    a0::Float64 = 100

    # numerical parameters
    σ::Float64 = 1e-6
    itermax::Int64 = 2000
    T::Int64 = 200
    NA::Int64 = 1000
    a = range(0., 100., length=NA)

function TV(a_prime, ia, V, para)
    # iteration on value function
    @unpack egam, β, a = para
    c = max(a[ia]-a_prime, 1e-10)
    # interpolating function for value function
    V_temp = CubicSplineInterpolation(a, (egam*V).^(1.0/egam))(a_prime)
    V_fun = max(V_temp, 1e-10)^(egam)/egam
    # calculate negative of RHS
    val = -(c^egam/egam + β*V_fun)
    return val

function f(ia, V, para)
    # numerical maximization
    @unpack a = para
     result = optimize(x ->TV(x, ia, V, para), 0.0, a[ia], Brent())
     return -result.minimum, result.minimizer

function update(a, V, para)
    c = similar(V)
    V_new = similar(V)
    @inbounds for ia in eachindex(a)
        #a_prime = a[ia] - c[ia]
        #result = optimize(x ->TV(x, ia, V, para), 0.0, a[ia], Brent())
        #result = optimize(f, [a_prime], LBFGS())
        # optimal consumption and value functions
        #V_new[ia] = -minimum(result)
        V_new[ia], a_prime = f(ia, V, para)
        c[ia] = a[ia] - a_prime
    return c, V_new

function value_function_iter(para)
    @unpack γ, egam, β, a0, σ, itermax, T, NA, a = para
    #initial consumption guess
    #c = collect(a)./2
    c = collect(a./2)
    # initial value function based on consumption guess
    V = c.^egam/egam./(1-β)
    #V = zero(c)
    conv_level = 1.0
    iter = 1
    while (iter < itermax) && (conv_level > σ)
        #f(ia) = optimize(x ->TV(x, ia, V, para), 0.0, a[ia], Brent())
        # calculate optimal decision for every grid point 
        #Threads.@threads for ia in eachindex(a)
        c, V_new = update(a, V, para)

        # get convergence level
        crit = abs.(V_new-V)./max.(abs.(V), 1e-10)
        crit = filter(!isnan, crit)
        conv_level = maximum(crit)
        println("Iteration=$(iter); convergence level=$(conv_level)")
        # update value function and iteration count
        V = V_new
        iter += 1
    if conv_level > σ
        println("Failed to converge")
    return c, V

function main()
    para = Para(NA=1000)
    c, V = value_function_iter(para)
c, V = main()
# smaller sample for profiling
para = Para(NA=100)
ProfileView.@profview value_function_iter(para)

#@btime TV($a_prime, $ia, $V, $para)
function simulate_consumption(c; a0=100, T=200)
    # Policy function
    c_pol(x) = Spline1D(a, c)(x)
    a_t = zeros(T)
    c_t = zeros(T)
    a_t[1] = a0
    c_t[1] = c_pol(a0)
    for i in 2:T
        a_t[i] = a_t[i-1] - c_t[i-1]
        c_t[i] = c_pol(a_t[i])
    return a_t, c_t

a_t, c_t = simulate_consumption(c)

t = range(1, T, length=T)

fig, ax = subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 5))
ax.plot(t, c_t, label="c")
ax.set_title("Consumption path")

fig, ax = subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(20, 5))
ax[1].plot(a, c, label="policy function c(a)")
ax[2].plot(a[2:end], V[2:end], label="value function V(a)")

As an additional reference, I also reference the Fortran code:

! PROGRAM Minimize
! ## Value function iteration and numerical minimization
! This code is published under the GNU General Public License v3
!                         (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
! Authors: Hans Fehr and Fabian Kindermann
!          contact@ce-fortran.com
include "prog08_05m.f90"

program Minimize

    use globals
    use toolbox

    implicit none
    integer :: ia, iter

    ! start timer
    call tic()

    ! initialize a, c and value function
    call grid_Cons_Equi(a, 0d0, a0)
    c(:) = a(:)/2d0
    V(:) = 0d0
    coeff_v(:) = 0d0

    ! iterate until value function converges
    do iter = 1, itermax

        ! set a = 0 manually
        c(0) = 0d0
        V_new(0) = -1d10

        ! calculate optimal decision for every gridpoint
        do ia = 1, NA

            ! initialize starting value and communicate resources
            x_in = a(ia) - c(ia)
            ia_com = ia

            call fminsearch(x_in, fret, 0d0, a(ia), utility)

            ! get optimal consumption and value function
            c(ia) = a(ia) - x_in
            V_new(ia) = -fret


        ! interpolate coefficients
        call spline_interp((egam*V_new)**(1d0/egam), coeff_V)

        ! get convergence level
        con_lev = maxval(abs(V_new(:) - V(:))/max(abs(V(:)), 1d-10))
        write(*,'(i5,2x,f20.7)')iter, con_lev

        ! check for convergence
        if(con_lev < sig)then
            call output()

        V = V_new

    write(*,*)'No Convergence'


    ! For creating output plots.
    subroutine output()

        use toolbox

        implicit none
        integer, parameter :: n_err = 10000
        integer :: it
        real*8 :: err, a_err, err_temp

        ! end timer
        call toc()

        ! interpolate policy function
        call spline_interp(c, coeff_c)

        ! calculate the time path of consumption numerically
        a_t(0) = a0
        c_t(0) = spline_eval(a_t(0), coeff_c, 0d0, a0)
        do it = 1, TT
            a_t(it) = a_t(it-1) - c_t(it-1)
            c_t(it) = spline_eval(a_t(it), coeff_c, 0d0, a0)
        call plot((/(dble(it),it=0,TT)/), c_t, legend='numerical')

        ! calculate the time path of consumption analytically
        a_t(0) = a0
        c_t(0) = a_t(0)*(1d0-beta**gamma)
        do it = 1, TT
            a_t(it) = a_t(it-1) - c_t(it-1)
            c_t(it) = a_t(it)*(1d0-beta**gamma)
        call plot((/(dble(it),it=0,TT)/), c_t, legend='analytical')
        call execplot(xlabel='Time t', ylabel='Consumption c_t')

        ! plot numerical and analytical consumption
        call plot(a, c, legend='numerical')
        call plot(a, a*(1d0-beta**gamma), legend='analytical')
        call execplot(xlabel='Level of resources a', ylabel='Policy Function c(a)')

        ! plot numerical and analytical value function
        call plot(a(10:NA), V(10:NA), legend='numerical')
        call plot(a(10:NA), (1d0-beta**gamma)**(-1d0/gamma)*a(10:NA) &
                                                **egam/egam, legend='analytical')
        call execplot(xlabel='Level of Resources a', ylabel='Value Function V(a)')

        ! calculate consumption function error
        err = 0d0
        do ia = 0, n_err
            a_err = a0*dble(ia)/dble(n_err)
            err_temp = abs(spline_eval(a_err, coeff_c, 0d0, a0) - a_err*(1d0-beta**gamma)) &
                                            /max(a_err*(1d0-beta**gamma), 1d-10)
            if(err_temp > err)err = err_temp
        write(*,'(a, es15.7)')'Consumption function error:',err

        ! quit program

    end subroutine

end program

This main file calls the following module:

! MODULE globals
! This code is published under the GNU General Public License v3
!                         (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
! Authors: Hans Fehr and Fabian Kindermann
!          contact@ce-fortran.com
module globals

    implicit none

    ! model parameters
    real*8, parameter :: gamma = 0.5d0
    real*8, parameter :: egam = 1d0-1d0/gamma
    real*8, parameter :: beta = 0.95d0
    real*8, parameter :: a0 = 100d0

    ! numerical parameters
    real*8, parameter :: sig = 1d-6
    integer, parameter :: itermax = 2000

    ! time path of consumption and resource
    integer, parameter :: TT = 200
    real*8 :: c_t(0:TT), a_t(0:TT)

    ! value and policy function
    integer, parameter :: NA = 1000
    real*8 :: a(0:NA), c(0:NA), V(0:NA)

    ! variables to numerically determine value and policy function
    real*8 :: V_new(0:NA), coeff_V(NA+3), coeff_c(NA+3)
    real*8 :: con_lev, x_in, fret

    ! variables to communicate with function
    integer :: ia_com


    ! the function that should be minimized
    function utility(x_in)

        use toolbox

        implicit none
        real*8, intent(in) :: x_in
        real*8 :: utility, cons, vplus

        ! calculate consumption
        cons = max(a(ia_com) - x_in, 1d-10)

        ! calculate future utility
        vplus = max(spline_eval(x_in, coeff_V, 0d0, a0), 1d-10)**egam/egam

        ! get utility function
        utility = - (cons**egam/egam + beta*vplus)

    end function

end module

Hi @msilva913, the Julia code is not running well on my machine either – the process hangs after one iteration.

Can you please let me know the Bellman equation you are working on, with enough detail to understand the problem? I can try to understand from the code but it would be a bit easier to see the Bellman equation first.

Of course! This is a simple cake-eating problem, so the Bellman equation is just
V(a) = max_{a’} u(a-a’) + \beta V(a’)

I should also mention that, rather than interpolating the value function directly, here I interpolate a transform of the value function, which is supposed to be closer to linear, and then use the inverse transformation to recover the value function in the following lines:

V_temp = CubicSplineInterpolation(a, (egam*V).^(1.0/egam))(a_prime)
V_fun = max(V_temp, 1e-10)^(egam)/egam

Of course, having 1000 grid points obviously increases the time significantly, but the corresponding Fortran code has the same-size grid.

Thanks @msilva913

I found that CubicSplineInterpolation is slow. I wrote a variation on your code that solves the problem using LinearInterpolation and it’s fast. I used the same parameters and grid size. It runs in about 2 seconds on my little laptop.

There are good reasons to use linear interpolation – it preserves the contractivity of the Bellman operator.

Please let me know how it works for you.

using Interpolations, Random, Optim, Statistics, PyPlot
import Base.@kwdef

@kwdef struct CakeEatingProblem
    γ::Float64 = 0.5
    β::Float64 = 0.95

# Utility function
u(c, γ) = c^(1 - γ) / (1 - γ)

# Right hand side of Bellman equation for each choice of consumption
function state_action_value(cep::CakeEatingProblem, 
                            a,              # assets
                            c,              # consumption 
                            grid,           # grid points
                            v_on_grid)      # guess of v on grid points
    (; β, γ) = cep     # Unpack
    v = LinearInterpolation(grid, v_on_grid)

    return u(c, γ) + β * v(a - c)

# Bellman oerator
function T(cep::CakeEatingProblem, grid, v_on_grid)
    Tv = similar(v_on_grid)
    for (i, a) in enumerate(grid)
        objective = c -> state_action_value(cep, a, c, grid, v_on_grid)
        results = maximize(objective, 0.0, a)
        Tv[i] = Optim.maximum(results)
    return Tv

# Get the optimal policy correspoinding to a guess of the value function
function get_greedy(cep::CakeEatingProblem, grid, v_on_grid)
    c_policy = similar(v_on_grid)
    for (i, a) in enumerate(grid)
        objective = c -> state_action_value(cep, a, c, grid, v_on_grid)
        results = maximize(objective, 0.0, a)
        c_policy[i] = Optim.maximizer(results)
    return c_policy

function value_function_iteration(cep::CakeEatingProblem,
    (; β, γ) = cep     # Unpack
    grid = range(grid_min, grid_max, length=grid_length)
    v_init = [u(c, γ) for c in grid]
    new_v = similar(v_init)

    iter_num = 0
    error = Inf
    v = v_init
    while error > error_tol && iter_num < max_iter
        new_v = T(cep, grid, v)
        error = maximum(abs.(new_v - v))
        iter_num += 1
        v = new_v

    c_policy = get_greedy(cep, grid, v_init)

    return grid, new_v, c_policy

# Main
cep = CakeEatingProblem()

a, v, c = value_function_iteration(cep)

fig, ax = subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 5))
ax[1].plot(a, c, label="policy function")
ax[2].plot(a, v, label="value function")



Dear John:

Thanks so much! This code is very efficient! Yes, CubicSplineInterpolation is remarkably slow. However, it seems that I had introduced some additional overhead, as your code was faster than merely replacing CubicSplineInterpolation with LinearInterpolation. I need to scrutinize that more.

Thanks again!


Hi @msilva913 ,

glad that I could help.

I didn’t use the trick of transforming the value function in order to make it easier to interpolate. That might still be worth looking at. I think that trick is closely related to the idea of time iteration discussed here, although the code in that discussion is in Python.

Good luck with your studies.


John has given a great answer but one thing to keep in mind is that your struct Para is not a concrete type because of the a parameter. Sometimes this is irrelevant and sometimes it is orders of magnitude difference in performance. In general, with Julia it is better to let julia figure out the types on its own, especially for anything more complicated than a scalar (e.g. use struct Para{T1} then a::T1 = range(0., 100., length=NA) etc.


Just to be clear, do you suggest to write the struct the following way?

@with_kw  struct Para{T1}
    # model parameters
    γ::Float64 = 0.5
    egam::Float64 = 1-1/γ
    β::Float64 = 0.95
    a0::Float64 = 100

    # numerical parameters
    σ::Float64 = 1e-6
    itermax::Int64 = 2000
    T::Int64 = 200
    NA::Int64 = 1000
    a::T1 = range(0., 100., length=NA)

Also, if I may abuse by asking a small follow-up question, are there major performance considerations in passing more arguments within a struct compared to having them as separate function arguments, or is that mostly a matter of style?

Thanks so much.

Hey @msilva913 Sorry that I missed your response.

Yes, your structure looks good now and the type is concrete. Sometimes that is irrelevant, sometimes it is crucial, but it is best to get in the habit of ensuring you never have non-concrete types.

A few minor details

  • There is now a Base.@kwdef for the constructors of structures, so you can use that instead of @with_kw. It is in the base library but not “officially” supported (hence not documented or exported and why the Base.@kwdef is necessary rather than just @kwdef) but I think it is safe enough to use.
  • As long as you keep all types concrete (i.e. the change you made here does it) and you don’t accidentally have julia convert something (e.g. if you have declared a struct argument or a function argument to have a::Vector{Float64} then it may do a hidden conversion of the range to the vector - which loses important problem structure that it is uniform), then the performance is the same. Structures and named tuples are also equivalent in performance (and named tuples are always concrete, which can make them convenient in many cases).
  • Stylistically, Julia code these days usually has the bare minimum of tightly specified (what is often called “duck-typed” code). The less you try to second-guess types the Julia compiler and packages want to use, the better.
    • If you pass in a structure then doing any non-scalar arguments the way you did it here (e.g. the T1 template parameter is fully flexible which you leave flexible) is the standard way to go about writing julia code these days. Unless you are doing something advanced, you can only shoot yourself in the foot trying to force particular types for particular fields in the structure
    • Similarly, the typical style for beginner-to-intermediate Julia is to avoid all type declarations in function definitions unless you are purposefully using them for dispatching (i.e., you have different versions of the functions depending on the types passed in). As with types of struct fields, adding in type declarations in functions can otherwise just let you shoot yourself in the foot by decreasing performance and unnecessarily limiting the “types” that functions can operate on. As you get advanced, though, you get better at understanding the type system.
    • Outside of those, passing in parameters to functions vs. collecting in a struct or named tuple is a style issue which Julia doesn’t say much about. Personally, I like to collect parameters that make sense as an economic “model” of some sort.